all american canner on a stove

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grab your jars, its canning season! On this post we will go over everything you need to have to have a successful canning season.

Before you get going on canning season. It is important to double check your inventory of equipment.

This list is also crucial for those of you starting out to know what exactly it is you need to start canning.

Let’s dive in:

Equipment needed:

Canning Tips

  1. Why do you need towels? Towels help to be a buffer between your hot jars and a cold counter. hot jars + a cold counter = thermal shock effect and exploded jars
  2. I want to start canning but dont know how? I am so glad you are here! I absolutely love to preserve. Feel free to drop your questions in the comments or follow me on Instagram. The very first place i would start is to get yourself a good cookbook (like what I listed above) and start making jam. Jam is the absolute easiest to start preserving. If you mess up, it’s ok! More than likely you have made syrup.
  3. Familiarize your self with your recipes. Go over your ingredients. Go over the procedures. Take your time.
  4. ADJUST FOR ALTITUDE! This is a common issue I see is failure to adjust for altitude. You can see the adjustments you need to make on THIS LINK. Your recipe usually tells you the minimum set time for processing but you MUST adjust for safety.
  5. Store your canned goods WITHOUT the rings! If there is an issue with your seal, you may not know it if the rings are on as the lids can unseal and reseal with a ring.
  6. Dont just find a recipe on the internet and assume its safe. If you are looking for how to can XXX you can google canning XXX + extension office. So your search would look like: how to can salmon + extension office and you would find this advice. Alternatively, you can utilize the pectin brand for recipes like I did for passion fruit.
  7. Fatty foods like salmon or meat, use vinegar to wipe the rims of your jars. For everything else, a damp paper towel should suffice.
  8. Find a mentor or bestie to can with! It’s so much fun when there are two of you canning together. PLUS! many hands make light work.
  9. Never ever can: milk, butter, fat (lard or tallow), anything with pasta, rice or flour.
  10. Yes, I understand that you can buy canned milk BUT we as home preservers don’t have the capacity to reach the heat levels of commercial canning equipment.
  11. If you’re not growing your own food, joining gleaning groups in your area, shop the farmers market, or purchase through azure standard.
pile of picked apples

Have a question? Head to the comments and ask! I love answering your questions

Happy Canning! ~Boots

PS: you might find these additional resources helpful.

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